Sunday, April 27, 2008

Oatmeal and Cofee for BreakFast

Well, what is new you might say. Nothing much really except that I apparently have some time on my hands? No, it is more like I do love it sooo and have yet to be bored with the way I take it that I simply had to record it. The actual method was arrived at by my husband yet I am the one who takes it regularly that way. My daughter loves it too and calls it “mommy’s food”.

What We Need

Oatmeal & Honey Cereal - ½ cup

Oatmeal (original plain) – 1 tbsp

Banana – ½ ripe

The Method

Mix the 2 oatmeals together in a small microwavable bowl and fill with water so all flakes are submerged. Now drain the water. Wait time is not necessary but will not harm the taste. Microwave for 40 seconds. Let sit for a minute. Remove and stir well with a spoon. Do any sharing at this time.

Using a spoon or knife, dice the banana into the bowl in circular shape. Mix together gently. Enjoy with coffee.

Easy Coffee

Fill a microwavable cup with milk. Use wholemilk for best results. Using reduced fat versions or half milk/half water is OK if you are not a milk fan but can affect the taste.

Microwave the milk for 130 to 145 seconds. Add 2 tsp of sugar & 1 tsp of Nescafe Classic Coffee. No other brand will do and this is available in all grocery stores I believe. If you need more exotic coffee taste then I have heard that Brookbonds from an Indian grocery store is rather good. I have yet to try this. Adjust sugar and coffee to your personal satisfaction. There! Your complete breakfast is ready!!!!

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