Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Aramasobha - Glory of The Garden

There's this amarchitrakatha comic named 'The Magic Grove' about a girl called Vidyutprabha who married the king because she was so pretty and also had this blessing where a whole garden/grove moved with her. This garden provided her and the animals and birds she loved with water, shade, plenty of food and protection. The king loved her and named her 'Aramasobha'. 'Aramam' for grove and 'sobha' for glory. It is a beautiful story and difficult not to like. I am no Aramasobha but I do have a small garden that stays in the same place I stay! I can always come back to it and with a husband who is back to tending flowers, it is pure pleasure in spring time to be out and about in the backyard. We missed the boat on veggie planting this year but the flowers are making up for it. They shine like little queens in the sunshine and I wanted them to be appreciated in a picture post that tells more stories than words.

A New Selection - Clematis, creeper

Good Old Hibiscus
Dipladenia : Another creeper
Lantana: Konginipoo  in Malayalam- constant 
companion on my walks to the elementary school.
Don't they add charm anywhere?
My girl's cactus plant
Aptly named Black Beauty
Black Beauties!
Even if they are not so black they are still beauties

New addition. So pretty!
My marigolds
More of  'em

From a tree in the  front that was there when
we bought the house. Don't know the name

The marigolds are a dream come true just like for SS from soulsearchingdays. Marigolds were so omnipresent during my childhood that the first bloom took me back some right away! They didn't bloom thick and dense as I had hoped but there is always a next time.


soulsearchingdays said...

thanks for the mention lan, and this is a beautiful post, I came here a bit late... take care

soulsearchingdays said...

thanks for the mention lan, and this is a beautiful post, I came here a bit late... take care

lan said...

you r welcome ss. glad you liked it