Sunday, March 2, 2008

Chutney for Tapioca (Kappa) & Yams (Kachil)

We were making Chendan Kappa for a quick meal as we had some leftover fish curry and had some Kappa from a recent trip to the Chinese store. Then it occurred to me that it won’t be a bad idea to make some fresh chutney to go with it. So off I go in search of the easiest of chutneys that can be made. Mrs. KMM as always to the rescue! Here is the adapted recipe.

In The Mix:
Shredded dry coconut – ¾ cup
Green chilies – 2 or 3 sliced
Salt to taste
Shallots – 3 pods
Curry leaves (optional) -1 sprig
Yogurt – ¾ cup

How To Do:
Blend all the items except curry leaves and yogurt in a blender.
Add the yogurt and curry leaves. I didn’t add the leaves and still tasted great.
Keep chilled and enjoy with Kappa. Number of chilies and sourness of yogurt can be varied as desired.

Chutney turned out to be extremely tasty and went more than the fish curry!

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