Monday, March 8, 2021

Flattened Rice Flakes with Brown Sugar aka Aval Vilayichathu

 It will soon be a year since full time working from home started for us!  This snack was made and in the drafts folder since the start of #coronatime. And I am posting it today to wish every woman a happy day on this International Women's Day.

This was a snack that mom used to send with us for our hostel days since it keeps without spoiling for a while. I have a weak spot for jaggery over sugar and this one was a favorite. Can't believe it took Covid for me to recreate this quick magic of the nostalgic old times.

In The Mix

'aval'/flattened rice flakes - 1 cup
jaggery syrup -  2 1/2 cups
fresh grated coconut - 2 cup
cardamom powder - 1/2 tsp

How To Do

Heat jaggery in 3 cups of water to make the syrup in a pan till you get about two and half cups. Now add the coconut to it, reduce heat and keep on stirring until it gets sticky and remove from heat.

Let cool a little, add the 'aval'  and cardamom powder and mix well together. Enjoy!


soulsearchingdays said...

Hi, you really brought back such fond memories of my childhood, sitting on the floor of a rustic kitchen where my loving grandmother would serve this in the evenings along with a hot cup of chaya.. voww!! Thanks lan, that sure looks tempting!

lan said...

dear ss, evening snacks with chai are the most nostalgic. right? thanks for your lovely comment